Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The way back to slim [Part 1]

As per heading, and yes that's me in the picture. Both left and right. The left was taken on 30 March 2014, and right on 5 Sept 2014. Period of 5 months.

Standing at 1.64m, but weighing nearing 70kg. This is a digit that I will never want to see it on the weighing scale again.

The old me. I used to eat almost everything. Being the only child, I have the privilege of eating what I want, be it quality or quantity. And I have the habit of gobbling down my food. Be it stir fry, deep fried, bbq, baked, steamboat; it's almost everything. At that point of time, I didn't give a thought about losing that extra weight on me, as to me, it's a blessing to eat all these yummy food. So everyday, all I know was eat and sit for a few hours, and back to eating again.

Until one day something struck me and I decided to sign up for gym, *Fitness First. Passport membership of $156/- per month, which gives you the access to all clubs in Singapore, with the privilege of using all facilities and attend all classes in the clubs. I was being hardworking at first, going every week for combat classes, but I did not watch my diet at all. There wasn't any significant change on the weighing scale, therefore I keep putting my membership on hold. *Freezing of membership allows you to still have the membership status, but you're not allowed to use any facilities or classes in the clubs. And they do charge an amount of the process of Freezing. I went back to indulge on all sorts of food.

It was when I got together with my current bf, then I went back to gym. From hot flow yoga - body combat - body attack - body pump. Adding on to it, clean and healthy diet for weekdays.

5 months, and I lost 13 kg. Still not my ideal weight and figure. Will continue to work hard towards my goal.

Will share more of my diet and workout moves in the next post!

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